Straightforward Pricing

At Notify Me Tag, we believe in transparency and providing you with affordable options to safeguard your valuables. In this section, you'll find detailed information about our pricing plans and what each plan offers

One price for lifetime service

$39.99One Time Payment

  • Full lifetime notification service included
  • 3 Unique coded tags, called a "tag-set"
  • 3 Black metal key rings included
  • Keeps your personal info safe
  • Whenever you need to be notified
  • Attach to personal items of value
Notify Me Tag displayed QR code for easy scan when lost item is found. Buy Now

Optional purchases

$10.00Each (3-tag) tag-set at any time

  • Kids back-packs
  • For your extra luggage
  • For your pet colony
  • For your extra sets of keys
  • Whenever you need to be notified
  • Peace of mind
Sign In Notify Me Tag displayed QR code for easy scan when lost item is found.


Each tag has a code that designates its uniqueness. Tags are numbered 'T1' through 'T9'. When scanned, you will receive an email containing the tag number AND a link to the GPS scan location, if the scanner allows. Clicking the GPS link in the email automatically displays a Google map of the scan location.